
Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Far Cry 3 : Skill Tree "The Shark"

Assalamualaikum wr. wb

Malam ini saya ingin memberikan informasi tentang Skill Tree "The Shark"

Skill ini memusatkan kemampuan anda dalam :
- Kemampuan beregenerasi darah
- Pertambahan slot darah
- Pertahanan dasar
- Special takedown !
 Skill ini cocok untuk anda yang suka dengan taktik "Tembak dan Lari"

Icon Title Description

This skills give you the ability to quietly kill an enemy from behind, giving you triple experience.

Health bars that aren't empty refill 50% faster.

Improved First Aid
Allows you to heal yourself without medicine.

Advanced Conditioning
Gain another health slot.

Field medic
Medical Syringes restore 4 health slots.

Field Surgeon
Medical Syringes restore 6 health slots.
Chained Takedown
String together up to 10 takedowns, giving you 10 times more experience per kill.

Reduce damage taken from explosions by 50%.

Peak Conditioning Req': 10 Med. Syringes Crafted   Gain another health slot.

Adrenaline Surge Req': 3 Completed Supply Drops Health bars fill 2 times as fast.

Button Up Req': Bought 3 Body Armor         Body armor can take 50% more damage.

Fire Retardant Damage taken from fire is cut in half.

Evasive Driving "Commandeered" vehicles take half as much damage

Heavy Beatdown Req': Kill one Bull Shark               Special Heavy attack; 5 times more XP per kill,

Grenade Takedown Req': 5 kills with grenades             Activate an enemy's grenade before pushing him away. x5 XP per kill   

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